```javascript window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (event.data.type === 'newComment') { // Handle new comments as needed in parent page } }); ```
>> The next thought from a visitor will post here.
>> After volunteering many days helping support community tree 'plantings' I have come away very disappointed. I helped 'plant' many trees only to find that very little effort is put into watering those trees. Watching people find some sort of satisfaction at doing a part by planting a tree, there is a big part of that experience that is missing. Having watched those same trees I helped put in the ground die off because of lack of water I have become jaded in my spiritual efforts.
So now I do not participate anymore in 'planting'' trees - I will support any effort to 'grow' trees, which must include a guaranteed plan to see that these trees are properly watered until they find their own source of water. ~ Robert
>> Sea levels are rising and oceans are becoming warmer. Longer, more intense droughts threaten crops, wildlife and freshwater supplies. From polar bears in the Arctic to marine turtles off the coast of Africa, our planet’s diversity of life is at risk from the changing climate. I am worried that we are taking all of this too lightly and will only wake up when it is too late. ~ John
>> Recent news highlights that 2023 and 2024 were record-breaking hot years, with global temperatures rising rapidly, and the Arctic warming faster than the global average, leading to increased carbon emissions and potential dire consequences for ecosystems and human health.
>> It would be sooooooooooo helpful if there were an agency that posted the global temperature above pre-industrial levels in Celsius degrees as a daily update for everyone to see.
>> From now on, Trump said Thursday, the secretaries would be in charge; the Musk team would only advise. From the NY Times.
>> I believe we need a massive media outreach to get people talking about the risks of climate change and solutions we can use to make the impacts of global warming less severe. ~ John Burch