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Climate Change Insights

At a 1.2°C rise, we are already witnessing significant changes. Glaciers are melting, sea levels rising, and extreme weather events becoming more common. Our ecosystem and certain species face growing threats. Immediate action to reduce carbon emissions is critical to prevent further damage.

Interacting climate change agents we need to manage.

1. Carbon Emissions
2. Methane Emissions
3. Nitrous Oxide Emissions
4. Other Greenhouse Gases
5. Solar Radiation
6. Deforestation
7. Reforestation
8. Permafrost Thaw
9. Ocean Acidification
10. Oceanic Thermohaline Circulation (e.g. Gulf Stream)
11. Changes in Land Use
12. Glacier Melt
13. Polar Ice Cap Melt
14. Sea Level Rise
15. Oceanic Heat Content
16. Sea Surface Temperature
17. Temperature and Precipitation Patterns
18. Cloud Cover and Type
19. Atmospheric Aerosols (Natural and Anthropogenic)
20. Volcanic Activity
21. Earth’s Albedo (Surface reflectivity)
22. Changes in Snow Cover
23. Changes in Plant Phenology and Range
24. Changes in Animal Migration and Reproduction
25. Droughts and Heatwaves
26. Changes in Frequency and Intensity of Storms
27. Wildfires
28. Changes in Biodiversity
29. Soil Degradation and Erosion
30. Human Behaviors (i.e., Consumption, Transportation, and Agriculture)
31. Use of and shift towards Renewable Energy
32. Urban Heat Islands
33. Synthetic Chemicals in the Environment
34. Water availability and resources management.
35. Crop yield changes.
36. Population Growth.
37. Changes to marine life cycles and habitats.
38. Evaporation Rates.
39. Sediment and nutrient deposition.