COP29 is scheduled to occur: Monday Nov 11, 2024 – Friday Nov 22, 2024

There are a lot of things we could be doing today, , to begin to prepare for COP29. Let's get started to make the most of this upcoming event.



The Upcoming COP29: Key Topics, Honored Guests, and Its Critical Importance

The 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) stands as a pivotal moment in international environmental diplomacy. Scheduled to occur in 2024, COP29 follows the profound deliberations of previous conferences, seeking not only to address ongoing challenges but also to innovate solutions towards climate resilience and sustainability. Below, we explore the key aspects of this crucial conference, including honored guests, topics likely to dominate the agenda, and the overarching importance of the event in the fight against climate change.

Honored Guests

While the specific list of honored guests for COP29 is yet to be confirmed, it is expected to include a mix of prominent world leaders, environmental experts, and influential activists. Typically, these individuals play a pivotal role in shaping the discussions and inspiring actionable outcomes. The presence of these guests underlines the global commitment to tackling climate change and emphasizes the collaborative efforts needed to achieve substantial results.

Dominant Agenda Topics

  • Accelerating Emission Reductions

COP29 is likely to continue the intense focus on global carbon reduction commitments. With the increasing impacts of climate change being felt worldwide, countries are expected to come forward with updated, more ambitious nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The discussions will likely focus on mechanisms to monitor and verify the implementation of these commitments to ensure transparency and accountability.

  • Climate Finance

A perennially critical topic, climate finance will dominate discussions as developing nations urge developed countries to fulfill their promise of mobilizing at least $100 billion annually in climate finance. The effective allocation of these funds, aimed at supporting developing countries in their climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, will be a key area of negotiation.

  • Adaptation and Resilience

As the effects of climate change become more apparent, adaptation strategies are moving to the forefront of climate policy discussions. COP29 will focus on increasing investment in climate resilience, developing robust infrastructure, and implementing adaptive practices that can withstand climate impacts.

  • Loss and Damage

The issue of loss and damage, which refers to the impacts of climate change that go beyond what people can adapt to, is likely to be another focal point. Developing nations are advocating for the establishment of a formal financial mechanism to compensate for these losses, a proposal that has historically faced resistance from some developed nations.

  • Nature-based Solutions

The role of nature in combating climate change, through means such as reforestation, soil conservation, and ocean protection, is expected to gain significant attention. These nature-based solutions not only help sequester carbon but also enhance biodiversity and protect ecosystems.

  • Technology Transfer and Innovation

The transfer of green technologies from developed to developing countries remains a critical discussion point. COP29 could serve as a platform for launching new technology initiatives and partnerships that aim to bridge the technological divide and promote sustainable development.

Importance of COP29

  • Meeting Critical Thresholds

COP29 occurs at a time when the window to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is rapidly closing. The conference is critical because it provides an opportunity for nations to revisit and potentially strengthen their climate commitments to avoid catastrophic climate impacts.

  • Building on Past Progress

The conference will build on the outcomes of previous COP meetings, including the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Pact. It serves as a checkpoint to evaluate progress towards these agreements and to hold countries accountable to their previous commitments.

  • Enhancing Global Collaboration

COP29 is essential for fostering global collaboration. Climate change is a borderless issue that requires a united global response. The conference facilitates dialogue and cooperation among nations, helping to bridge gaps in policies, funding, and technology.

  • Engaging Non-State Actors

The involvement of cities, regional governments, businesses, and civil society is crucial in scaling up climate action. COP29 provides a platform for these actors to commit to practical, impactful climate initiatives, enhancing the overall global response.

  • Public Engagement and Awareness

Finally, COP29 plays a significant role in raising public awareness about the urgency of climate action. By involving civil society and leveraging global media, the conference helps to keep climate change at the forefront of public and political discourse, ensuring continued and enhanced collective action.


COP29 is not just another conference; it is a vital assembly where the future strategies against climate change will be sculpted. With high-level discussions anticipated across crucial areas such as finance, emissions, adaptation, and technological innovation, COP29 will likely be a cornerstone event in the global climate effort. It is a pivotal moment for nations to come together, assess past actions, reinforce commitments, and drive forward the collective action needed to tackle one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Potential Topics at COP29

Here is a list of potential topics that may be covered at COP29 (the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change), ranked in order of importance or relevance to addressing the climate emergency:

1. Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and raising ambition
2. Finalizing the Paris Rulebook and operationalizing the Paris Agreement
3. Mobilizing climate finance from developed to developing nations
4. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)
5. Accelerating the transition to renewable energy and phasing out fossil fuels
6. Building resilience and adapting to the impacts of climate change
7. Addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts
8. Involving non-state actors (businesses, cities, investors) in climate action
9. Promoting sustainable agriculture and addressing climate-smart food systems
10. Advancing gender equality and human rights in climate policies
11. Ensuring a just transition for workers and communities impacted
12. Developing carbon pricing mechanisms and carbon market regulations
13. Protecting oceans, coastal areas, and marine ecosystems
14. Tackling short-lived climate pollutants like methane and black carbon
15. Enhancing climate education, public awareness, and youth engagement

This ranking reflects the urgency of ramping up mitigation efforts to reduce emissions, finalizing implementation guidelines, scaling up finance, and building resilience to intensifying climate impacts. However, the specific agenda will be determined by the Parties closer to COP29.

50 more COP29 agenda items with explanations

1. Carbon pricing mechanisms: Discussing the implementation of carbon pricing to incentivize emissions reductions and promote cleaner technologies.

2. Renewable energy transition: Addressing the shift towards renewable energy sources to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change.

3. Sustainable transportation: Exploring ways to promote sustainable transportation options such as electric vehicles, public transit, and cycling.

4. Forest conservation and reforestation: Highlighting the importance of preserving forests and restoring degraded lands to sequester carbon and protect biodiversity.

5. Climate finance: Examining ways to mobilize funding for climate adaptation and mitigation projects in developing countries.

6. Green building and infrastructure: Promoting the construction of energy-efficient buildings and sustainable infrastructure to reduce emissions and resource consumption.

7. Ocean conservation: Addressing the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems and exploring solutions to protect oceans and coastal communities.

8. Circular economy: Discussing the transition to a circular economy model that minimizes waste and promotes resource efficiency.

9. Carbon capture and storage: Exploring technologies to capture and store carbon emissions from industrial processes and power generation.

10. Climate adaptation strategies: Developing measures to adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events and sea-level rise.

11. Indigenous rights and climate justice: Recognizing the role of indigenous communities in environmental conservation and addressing social justice issues related to climate change.

12. Food security and agriculture: Addressing the impacts of climate change on food production and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

13. Water scarcity and conservation: Discussing the challenges of water scarcity in a changing climate and strategies for water conservation and management.

14. Biodiversity conservation: Highlighting the importance of preserving biodiversity for ecosystem health and resilience to climate change.

15. Gender equality and climate action: Promoting gender-responsive climate policies and empowering women in climate decision-making processes.

16. Disaster risk reduction: Developing strategies to reduce the risk of natural disasters exacerbated by climate change, such as floods and wildfires.

17. Clean cooking solutions: Promoting access to clean and efficient cooking technologies to reduce indoor air pollution and emissions.

18. Climate education and awareness: Fostering public awareness and understanding of climate change issues and solutions.

19. Green jobs and sustainable livelihoods: Promoting the creation of green jobs in renewable energy, conservation, and other sustainable sectors.

20. Urban resilience and planning: Addressing the vulnerability of cities to climate impacts and promoting sustainable urban planning practices.

21. Climate-induced migration: Addressing the challenges of climate-induced migration and displacement, including refugee protection and support.

22. Climate data and monitoring: Enhancing climate data collection and monitoring systems to inform decision-making and track progress towards climate goals.

23. Energy efficiency measures: Promoting energy efficiency in buildings, appliances, and industrial processes to reduce emissions and energy consumption.

24. Climate-smart agriculture: Promoting agricultural practices that are resilient to climate change and contribute to emissions reductions.

25. Green finance and investment: Encouraging the private sector to invest in sustainable projects and divest from fossil fuels.

26. Climate resilience in vulnerable communities: Supporting vulnerable communities in building resilience to climate impacts and adapting to changing conditions.

27. Carbon offsetting programs: Exploring the use of carbon offsets to compensate for emissions through projects that reduce or remove carbon from the atmosphere.

28. Climate diplomacy and international cooperation: Strengthening global cooperation on climate action and negotiating agreements to address climate change.

29. Just transition for fossil fuel workers: Ensuring a fair and equitable transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry as the world shifts towards cleaner energy sources.

30. Emission reduction targets and commitments: Reviewing countries' progress towards meeting their emission reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.

31. Climate litigation and accountability: Holding governments and corporations accountable for their contributions to climate change and advocating for legal action to address climate impacts.

32. Carbon footprint reduction in supply chains: Promoting sustainability practices in supply chains to reduce emissions and environmental impact.

33. Climate-resilient infrastructure: Building infrastructure that can withstand the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events and sea-level rise.

34. Green technology innovation: Supporting research and development of clean technologies to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.

35. Climate risk assessment and management: Assessing the risks posed by climate change to businesses, communities, and ecosystems and developing strategies to manage those risks.

36. Climate communication and public engagement: Enhancing communication strategies to raise awareness and mobilize action on climate change.

37. Ecosystem restoration and conservation: Restoring degraded ecosystems and protecting natural habitats to enhance biodiversity and sequester carbon.

38. Climate-resilient agriculture practices: Promoting agricultural practices that are resilient to climate change impacts, such as droughts, floods, and pests.

39. Green energy access for all: Ensuring universal access to clean and affordable energy sources, particularly in developing countries.

40. Climate-smart cities and urban planning: Designing cities and infrastructure to be resilient to climate impacts and promote sustainable living.

41. Sustainable tourism and travel: Promoting responsible tourism practices that minimize environmental impact and support local communities.

42. Climate health impacts and adaptation: Addressing the health impacts of climate change, such as heatwaves, air pollution, and vector-borne diseases, and developing strategies for adaptation.

43. Blue carbon conservation: Protecting and restoring coastal and marine ecosystems, such as mangroves and seagrass beds, to sequester carbon and protect biodiversity.

44. Climate resilient water management: Developing strategies to manage water resources in a changing climate, including droughts, floods, and water quality issues.

45. Climate finance transparency and accountability: Ensuring transparency and accountability in climate finance flows to track funding for climate projects and ensure it reaches those in need.

46. Climate-smart technology transfer: Facilitating the transfer of clean and sustainable technologies to developing countries to support their climate goals.

47. Climate change impacts on indigenous peoples: Recognizing and addressing the unique impacts of climate change on indigenous communities and their traditional knowledge in adaptation strategies.

48. Climate adaptation in small island states: Supporting small island developing states in adapting to sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and other climate impacts.

49. Climate resilience in the Arctic: Addressing the rapid changes in the Arctic region due to climate change and promoting resilience strategies for communities and ecosystems.

50. Climate action for future generations: Advocating for ambitious climate action to protect the planet for future generations and ensure a sustainable and livable future.

One Earth One Chance