
Ways and Places to Share

Top 20 Websites for Sharing and Promoting our Website

1. Facebook


Facebook is the largest social media platform, allowing users to create personal profiles, connect with friends and family, join groups, and follow pages. To promote your website on Facebook, create a dedicated page for your site, share engaging content, and interact with your audience. You can also leverage Facebook Ads to target specific demographics and interests to drive more traffic to your website.

2. X (formerly Twitter)


X is a microblogging platform that enables users to share short messages, known as tweets, with their followers. To promote your website on X, create a profile, share relevant content, engage with your audience, and use hashtags to increase your reach. You can also participate in X chats and collaborate with influencers in your niche to gain more exposure for your website.

3. LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows users to create profiles, connect with colleagues, and share industry-related content. To promote your website on LinkedIn, create a company page, share updates about your website, and engage with your network. You can also join relevant groups, participate in discussions, and publish articles on LinkedIn to establish yourself as an authority in your field and drive traffic to your website.

4. Pinterest


Pinterest is a visual discovery platform that allows users to save and share images and videos, known as pins, on virtual pinboards. To promote your website on Pinterest, create eye-catching images and infographics related to your website's content, optimize your pins with relevant keywords and descriptions, and link them back to your website. You can also collaborate with other pinners and join group boards to increase your reach.

5. Instagram


Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social media platform that allows users to share visual content with their followers. To promote your website on Instagram, create a business profile, share high-quality images and videos related to your website's content, use relevant hashtags, and engage with your audience through comments and direct messages. You can also leverage Instagram Stories and Instagram Ads to drive more traffic to your website.

6. YouTube


YouTube is the world's largest video-sharing platform, allowing users to upload, view, and share videos. To promote your website on YouTube, create a channel, produce engaging video content related to your website's niche, optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags, and include links to your website in the video descriptions. You can also collaborate with other YouTubers, run contests, and leverage YouTube Ads to drive more traffic to your website.

7. Reddit


Reddit is a social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion platform. It consists of various subreddits dedicated to specific topics. To promote your website on Reddit, find relevant subreddits, participate in discussions, and share valuable content related to your website. Be sure to follow each subreddit's rules and avoid spamming or self-promotion, as this can lead to your account being banned.

8. Quora


Quora is a question-and-answer platform where users can ask questions, share knowledge, and engage in discussions on various topics. To promote your website on Quora, create a profile, search for questions related to your website's niche, provide detailed and informative answers, and include links to relevant content on your website. By establishing yourself as an expert in your field, you can drive targeted traffic to your website.

9. Medium


Medium is an online publishing platform that allows users to read, write, and share long-form content. To promote your website on Medium, create an account, write engaging articles related to your website's niche, and include links back to your website. You can also leverage Medium's publications and tags to reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.

10. Email Marketing

URL: Various email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp, Constant Contact, AWeber)

Email marketing involves sending promotional messages, newsletters, or updates to a list of subscribers via email. To promote your website through email marketing, choose an email marketing platform, build a subscriber list, create engaging email content, and include links to your website. You can also segment your list based on subscriber preferences and behavior to deliver more targeted content and drive more traffic to your website.

Ways and Places to Share our Website

11. Tumblr


Tumblr is a microblogging and social networking platform that allows users to post multimedia content, including text, images, videos, and audio. To promote your website on Tumblr, create a blog, share engaging content related to your website's niche, use relevant tags, and engage with other users. You can also leverage Tumblr's advertising options to reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.

12. SlideShare


SlideShare is a platform for sharing presentations, infographics, and documents. To promote your website on SlideShare, create informative and visually appealing presentations related to your website's content, optimize your slides with relevant keywords and descriptions, and include links back to your website. You can also embed your SlideShare presentations on your website and share them on other social media platforms to drive more traffic.

13. Blogger


Blogger is a free blogging platform owned by Google that allows users to create and publish blog posts. To promote your website on Blogger, create a blog, write engaging content related to your website's niche, optimize your posts with relevant keywords and tags, and include links back to your website. You can also leverage Blogger's built-in sharing options to promote your blog posts on other social media platforms and drive more traffic to your website.

14. Flipboard


Flipboard is a news aggregation and content curation platform that allows users to create and share personalized magazines. To promote your website on Flipboard, create a magazine, curate content related to your website's niche, and include articles from your website. You can also engage with other users, share your magazines on other social media platforms, and leverage Flipboard's advertising options to reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.

15. StumbleUpon


StumbleUpon is a discovery platform that allows users to find and share web content based on their interests. To promote your website on StumbleUpon, create an account, submit your website's pages, and add relevant tags and descriptions. Users can then "stumble upon" your content based on their interests, helping you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.


URL: is a content curation platform that allows users to discover, share, and publish content on specific topics. To promote your website on, create a topic page, curate content related to your website's niche, and include articles from your website. You can also engage with other users, share your curated content on other social media platforms, and leverage's advertising options to reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.

17. Digg


Digg is a social news aggregation platform that allows users to discover and share web content. To promote your website on Digg, create an account, submit your website's pages, and engage with other users by commenting on and "digging" their submissions. If your content gains popularity on Digg, it can drive a significant amount of traffic to your website.

18. BizSugar


BizSugar is a social bookmarking and content sharing platform focused on small business and entrepreneurship. To promote your website on BizSugar, create an account, submit your website's pages, and engage with other users by commenting on and voting for their submissions. If your content resonates with the BizSugar community, it can help you reach a targeted audience and drive more traffic to your website.

19. Delicious


Delicious is a social bookmarking platform that allows users to save, share, and discover web content. To promote your website on Delicious, create an account, bookmark your website's pages, and add relevant tags and descriptions. You can also engage with other users by following their bookmarks and sharing your own. If your content is popular on Delicious, it can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.

20. Triberr


Triberr is a platform that connects bloggers and influencers to help them amplify their content reach. To promote your website on Triberr, create an account, join relevant tribes, and share your website's content with other members. When other tribe members share your content with their followers, it can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.

Why is sharing so powerful and important?

50 great things that happen when you share

1. It fosters interdependence: Every team member relies on the shared contributions of others to achieve a common goal.

When you share a website on social media, blogs, or in person, a number of great things happen:

First, you expose the website to a wider audience. The more people see the website, the more they likely to visit it, learn about its cause, contribute to it, or even become regular users or members.

Secondly, you increase the visibility and credibility of the website. This is particularly important on search engines. The more a website is mentioned or linked to, the better its ranking on search engines can become, making it easier for people to discover the website when they search related topics.

Thirdly, sharing a website stimulates conversation and engagement. People might comment, ask questions, or start discussions about the website or the issues it addresses. This can lead to deeper understanding, meaning, and connection for those involved.

Sharing is powerful because it creates a network of influence that goes beyond our personal reach. When you share something, you influence others, who can then pass on that influence to people they know, and so on. This ripple effect can reach hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people.

Sharing is especially critical right now as we work to save our beautiful home, Earth because our planet is facing urgent and complex issues, such as climate change, deforestation, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Solving these issues requires widespread awareness, cooperation, and action.

When we share websites or content related to environmental causes, we help spread vital information, inspire others to care about the Earth, and mobilize action. Sharing can help create a global community of people committed to protecting and preserving our planet, creating a better future for everyone.

2. It encourages transparency and trust: When team members share information freely, it signals trust and encourages transparency in a team.
3. It ensures a variety of perspectives: Sharing ideas allows for multiple perspectives, making for richer discussions and better solutions.
4. It enables learning: People gain new insights and knowledge by sharing experiences and ideas.
5. It prevents duplication of efforts: Sharing plans can help prevent people from working on the same tasks.
6. It makes problem-solving more efficient: Collaborative problem-solving becomes quicker and easier when everyone shares their ideas and resources.
7. It enhances employee engagement: Sharing regularly can maintain individual interest in the team's objectives.
8. It allows for innovation: Collaboration through sharing can spark innovation and creativity.
9. It can lead to better decision-making: Sharing brings collective wisdom into play, leading to more informed decision-making.
10. It drives productivity: Sharing and collaboration streamline the work process, driving up productivity.
11. It enhances communication: Sharing encourages open communication among team members.
12. It allows valuable feedback: Sharing allows team members to give and receive constructive feedback.
13. It enables adaptability: Through resource sharing, teams can more easily adapt to unexpected situations.
14. It cultivates a culture of reciprocity: Sharing inherently instills a cycle of giving and receiving.
15. It boosts morale: Sharing success stories or knowledge can boost collective morale.
16. It prevents knowledge hoarding: Sharing breaks down barriers where individuals may hoard knowledge for their own gain.
17. It broadens horizons: Sharing helps people see beyond their own experiences and perspectives.
18. It facilitates bonding: Sharing personal experiences or stories enables connections on a deeper level.
19. It eases conflict resolution: When people share their individual views and perspectives, it promotes understanding and can ease conflict resolution.
20. It promotes inclusivity: When everyone shares, diversity and inclusivity are promoted.
21. It fosters a sense of belonging: Sharing within a group can make individuals feel more a part of that group.
22. It promotes holistic growth: By sharing resources or skills, everyone has an opportunity to learn and grow.
23. It establishes mutual respect: Sharing creates an environment where every contribution is valued and appreciated.
24. It promotes a sense of responsibility: No one person is solely responsible for success or failure; the burden is shared.
25. It nurtures empathy: Through sharing one's experiences or ideas, the team can better understand their perspectives.
26. It facilitates knowledge continuity: Regular sharing ensures that knowledge is not lost but passed on.
27. It builds resilience: Shared challenges and successes can create stronger, more resilient teams.
28. It deepens connections: Sharing helps to deepen interpersonal connections among individuals.
29. It extends resources: When resources are shared, the pool of resources expands.
30. It encourages fairness: A culture of sharing promotes an environment where everyone’s contribution is equally important.
31. It fosters a positive work environment: Sharing often lends itself to a more harmonious and positive work environment.
32. It provides validation: Sharing personal achievements or accomplishments can provide individuals with validation.
33. It promotes health competition: Sharing ideas can ignite a healthy spirit of competition among team members.
34. It creates an open environment: The act of sharing nurtures an environment that encourages openness.
35. It motivates team members: Reflecting on shared successes can motivate team members.
36. It enables better conflict management: By sharing different viewpoints, teams can better manage and resolve conflicts.
37. It enhances organizational culture: Sharing can become part of an organization’s culture, making it a more appealing place to work.
38. It supports collaborative learning: Through shared insights, everyone on the team has the opportunity to learn.
39. It favors adaptability: Sharing allows organizations to be more flexible and responsive to changes.
40. It reduces the risk of mistakes: When tasks and ideas are shared, there are more chances to spot potential errors.
41. It encourages skills enhancement: By sharing skills or knowledge, others can learn and enhance their own skills.
42. It boosts accountability: When responsibilities are shared, individuals become more accountable.
43. It brings about personal satisfaction: There is a level of personal satisfaction that comes with sharing with others.
44. It aids in career growth: Sharing knowledge and skills can enhance a person’s resume or improve their skills for future career progress.
45. It fosters environmental sustainability: Sharing resources (like carpooling) can reduce individual carbon footprints.
46. It enhances individual strengths: Sharing and collaboration can bring out and enhance individuals' unique strengths.
47. It ensures equal access to information: Sharing ensures everyone has the same access to terms of vital information.
48. It develops self-awareness: Sharing promotes self-awareness as people examine their own thoughts, knowledge, and feelings to share with others.
49. It supports the global community: On a larger scale, sharing ideas and resources can contribute to the betterment of the global community.
50. It paves the way for a better future: Shared knowledge and efforts can lead to collective advancements and a brighter future for all.

How to share (100 suggestions)

1. Posting the link on your personal Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
2. Launching a paid search engine marketing campaign.
3. Running a targeted Facebook ad campaign.
4. Writing a blog post about the website and embedding the link.
5. Including the website link in the bio of your social media accounts.
6. Implementing SEO techniques to improve the website's Google ranking.
7. Attaching the website link to your email signature.
8. Sharing the website in relevant discussion forums, such as Reddit and Quora.
9. Sponsoring a podcast and requesting them to promote your website.
10. Running banner ads on related industry websites.
11. Creating a YouTube video about the website's mission and including the link in the video description.
12. Promoting the website in your company's newsletter.
13. Engaging with influencers related to the website's cause to share the link.
14. Organizing a webinar or online event and promoting the website.
15. Hosting contests where people can win prizes if they visit and share the website link.
16. Collaborating with bloggers to write about your website.
17. Including the website link on all promotional materials and print ads.
18. Regularly creating and publishing press releases about the website.
19. Creating unique hashtags for the website and promoting them on social media.
20. Sharing the website on Pinterest and creating relevant boards.
21. Creating a QR code for the website to use in offline promotions.
22. Setting up a referral program that rewards users for sharing the website.
23. Promoting the website in community groups and local organizations.
24. Partnering with other related websites to cross-promote each other.
25. Hosting virtual networking events to promote the website.
26. Using the website link in a fun, interactive online quiz or game.
27. Writing guest posts for other blogs and including the website link.
28. Commenting on relevant blog posts and including the website link where appropriate.
29. Adding the website link to your LinkedIn profile.
30. Posting the website link in LinkedIn groups related to the website's cause.
31. Sharing the website in WhatsApp, Telegram, and other messaging apps.
32. Starting a podcast and promoting the website in each episode.
33. Promoting the website in networking groups.
34. Setting up a Skype or Zoom background that includes the website.
35. Creating an infographic related to the website's cause and including the link.
36. Collaborating with schools and universities to promote the website.
37. Proposing the website for partnership with environmentally-conscious brands.
38. Placing the website link on business cards.
39. Running a crowdfunding campaign and including the website link.
40. Creating a jingle or song about the website and sharing it online.
41. Launching an email marketing campaign.
42. Utilizing affiliate marketing to encourage people to share the website.
43. Creating an online course and including the website link.
44. Using Google My Business listing for promoting the website locally.
45. Using geotagging on social media to promote the website locally.
46. Acting as a guest on a relevant podcast and mentioning the website.
47. Sending a mass SMS message with the website link to your contacts.
48. Asking friends and family to share the website.
49. Running a crowdfunding campaign and featuring the website.
50. Holding a webinar to discuss the mission of the website.
51. Advertising in trade magazines with audiences who would be interested.
52. Creating viral content around the website to get it shared.
53. Promoting the website on crowd-speaking platforms like Thunderclap.
54. Promoting the website using Snapchat filters or Instagram stickers.
55. Using Fiverr or Upwork to hire someone to help promote the website.
56. Writing an eBook related to the website's cause and including the link.
57. Hosting a Reddit AMA to discuss the website.
58. Posting the website in online directories.
59. Creating a Google Ads campaign targeted at keywords related to the website's theme.
60. Asking employees or team members to add the website to their email signatures.
61. Using local SEO strategies to promote the website in your area.
62. Promoting the website via targeted LinkedIn ads.
63. Engage in eco-friendly activities and mention the website while sharing the experience online.
64. Running a webinar or virtual event on Earth conservation and promoting the website.
65. Handing out fliers or pamphlets with the website link at relevant events.
66. Using traditional newspaper or radio advertising.
67. Setting up a booth at a local event and promoting the website.
68. Placing the link in an email newsletter.
69. Using the services of influencers to endorse the website.
70. Sponsoring a local event and having the website promoted.
71. Reaching out to environmental blogs and ask them to feature the website.
72. Making the link available on all company collateral.
73. Adding a link to the website in your forum signatures.
74. Sending out promotional emails to your subscriber list.
75. Featuring the website link on company merchandise.
76. Hiring a PR firm to help promote the website.
77. Sponsoring industry webinars and promoting the website.
78. Sharing website updates and news regularly on social media.
79. Making interesting Instagram stories and linking them to your website.
80. Advertising in newsletters of related organizations.
81. Giving interviews to media and mentioning the website.
82. Advertising on eco-friendly products.
83. Organizing a local cleanup drive and promote the website by wearing T-shirts with the website link.
84. Using online press release distribution services.
85. Mentioning the website in your YouTube video's end screen.
86. Sharing customer testimonials and mention the website.
87. Creating a mobile app that links to the website.
88. Including the website link on product packaging.
89. Sharing the website link in a webinar or online workshop.
90. Actively participating in LinkedIn discussions related to environment and conservation and subtly promote the website.
91. Host a series of online debates and discussions related to earth conservation and keep mentioning the website.
92. Establishing partnerships with other eco-friendly businesses for co-promotion.
93. Developing explainer videos about earth conservation and subtly promoting the website.
94. Holding photo competitions related to earth and nature with the website link as part of contest rules.
95. Collaborating with online cafes and webinars where discussions on earth are taking place.
96. Organize virtual concerts or performances and promote your website.
97. Delivering talks or speeches at relevant events and promoting the website.
98. Teaming up with environmental proponents and scientists to boost the credibility and promote the website.
99. Running a 'refer-a-friend' campaign with rewards for those who share the website.
100. Placing a bookmark with the website link in books at a library or bookstore.

One Earth One Chance

Ways and Places to Share our Website