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Thought for the Day is a unique feature of One Earth One Chance. Visit this site daily to add new ideas to your emerging climate change consciousness. Managing the climate crisis is not a destination. It is a forever, never ending, always ongoing, continuous, collective, perpetual earth energy paradigm shift.
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Thought for the Day
NEW -> "What can go wrong IS going wrong." ~ John Burch
NEW -> "Unless we connect directly to the earth, we will not have the faintest clue why we should save it."
~ Helen Caldicott
NEW -> Homeowners insurance companies are leaving over 15 states now as hurricanes, wildfires and other climate events are causing them to lose money.
NEW -> Climate conditions will worsen faster now, and will be unstoppable by the time the general public and our governments finally see what needs to be done.
- We need an essential peace in Gaza. Watch.
- We are now at 1.45 degrees Celsius! The Paris limit is just around the corner. Go here.
- Indifference and procrastination with regard to the climate crisis is bad for business. Watch here.
- Never underestimate the power of a single thought.
- The power of consciousness. Watch.
- Today is here now. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
- Permafrost is already thawing in many places, and if the problem spreads, scientists worry it could initiate a runaway process of global warming.
- Gas and oil are deadly energies.
- Over a 100-year period, methane has 28 times greater global warming potential than CO2.
- All war is obsolete. The only reliable resource for security in the world today is relationship.
- The amount of coal burned on the planet, probably the dirtiest form of emissions, goes up every year.
- Surging global demand for energy has made the U.S. the world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas, and pressures to keep domestic energy prices low has led to record oil production.
- "The catastrophic effects of climate change are visiting us,” said Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund. “They’re killing people. It’s a grave situation."
- Our task must be to free ourselves from this illusion of separation by widening our level of concern to embrace the earth and all living creatures and the whole of nature in its entirety.
- The mind is a excellent servant and a poor master.
- How about genetic reengineering trees - trillions of trees, to boost oxygen production ten fold. Visit www.labtrees.com.
- Do something - anything - today to make a difference. Even just turning off one light bulb will be felt by the whole.
- Combining climate initiatives synergistically can create a powerful impact. By integrating renewable energy, sustainable practices, and policy changes, we can create a comprehensive approach to climate change. This holistic strategy can amplify the effectiveness of individual actions, leading to significant progress in reducing global warming. Collaboration across sectors and communities is the key to achieving this synergy.
- The Amazon is on fire, pushing hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day.
- According to several world organizations, food and water hoarding may begin as early at 2030.
- Give your life to helping earth or climate change will take it from you.
- On climate change, we often don't fully appreciate that it is a problem happening now. We think it is a problem waiting to happen.
- Managing the climate crisis is not a destination. It is forever, never finished, always ongoing, continuous, collective, perpetual earth energy paradigm shift.
- The best time to begin working on the climate crisis is yesterday.
- Before you can fix something, you have to know first that it is broken.
- “I trust the rain. I trust gravity. I trust the air. I trust sunlight. I trust the earth. Without these things, I could not exist."
- “We’re talking about ecosystem change on a global scale that’s going to affect all of us,” said Ashley Ward, director of the Heat Policy Innovation Hub at Duke University. “Our energy systems, built environment, and medical services were never built with this type of temperature regime in mind.”
- The window of opportunity is closing fast. Once the dynamics of climate change go full blast, the slender chance we still have for self preservation as a species will expire.
- Today, peace begins with me.
- Don't kid yourself... climate change is real, human-caused and coming at us at the speed of light. No one will be spared.
- No bird has ever had to be taught how to fly. Similarly, we humans have an inborn capacity to love.
- The wildfires in Canada last year (2003) pushed more carbon into the atmosphere than all the countries of the world together, if you remove the US, China and India from the data.
- Success with the climate will require a new way of being for the human. And a radical new way of collaborating for nations and humanity.
- The only reliable resource for security in the world today is relationship. NOT "lethal military force."
- Take nothing for granted: Our future is NOT guaranteed!
- There is no time like the present.
- In the absence of gratitude, a human cannot be considered fully sane.
- Language was crucial to the creation of the modern world, yet there will always be more to reality than we can say.
- The Truth will set you free.
- Think elegant thoughts. The Universe is listening.
- Change is a Middle English word. Experts believe that the word came from the Latin words cambiare and cambire, meaning to exchange. To give up one thing to get another.
- Success with the climate will require a new way of BEING for the human. And a new way of COLLABORATING as humanity.
- The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance ~ it is the illusion of truth.
- You might have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
- Find out where your government leaders stand on climate change. If they are climate deniers, fossil fuel supporters, or just downright stupid, vote for the other person.
- Take 10% of your free time and free energy and use it for the greater good ~ today!
- Think a mile outside the box. Make that 100 miles outside the box. Much of what we have done on earth so far is most likely irrelevant and obsolete when we are talking about climate change. Think new. Think really new. Think away from the known and radically, urgently into the unknown.
- We need to be creative, unitive, open and inclusive now.
- Earth's temperature for July is being reported as the hottest EVER in recorded human history.
- Complex systems have non-linear dynamics. Let's not wait for the climate to "tip" before we act urgently.
- If we destroy our home, no one will come from the outside to save us. We must work together if we wish to survive.
- Q: "What is your greatest fear?" [Asked of Al Gore]
- A: "My greatest fear is complacency. The longer we delay taking decisive action, the more catastrophic the consequences will be. Time is a luxury we do not have."
- Working together, nothing is impossible.
- The ocean sings in waves, each crest a sermon on the interconnectedness of all life.
- "Drill Baby Drill" is complete and utter insanity.
- In war and politics, truth is the first casualty.
- When the well is dry, we will know the worth of water.
- Our future is not guaranteed.
- You don't know what you've got until you lose it.
- The only way out is through.
- We are being called to become as wise and loving as the system that produced us.
- Don't just ask how or what. Ask why.
- Being inclusive is the primary condition for emergent, evolutionary thought. Be inclusive. Be open.
- Every 10th of a degree of global warming
represents extra thermodynamic fuel that intensifies heat waves and storms,
adds to rising seas and hastens the melting of glaciers and ice sheets.
- “We need to be prepared for the impacts of
climate change that are happening here and now, like extreme events that
are becoming more frequent and severe,” said Sarah Kapnick, NOAA’s chief
scientist, at Friday’s event. Dr. Kapnick said she hopes communities,
businesses and individuals use the data released by her agency and others to
prepare and build resilience for the future.
- “Extreme heat is one of the most direct
ways in which we are experiencing the impacts of global warming,” said Deepti
Singh, who leads the Climate Extremes Lab at Washington State University.
- Adversity is the first path to truth.
- Make no mistake. We are in the fight of our lives. Our future, our children's future, the future of humanity and the future of all life on earth hang in the balance.
- Any form of climate denial, delay, ignorance or even indifference will make survival more difficult. We need to take strong, conscious, continuous, creative initiative ~ right now!
- Of all the features of the climate crisis, the dynamics will be the most difficult to manage. Dynamics produces inertia and inertia is a killer.
- One earth one chance, one earth one choice, one earth one climate, one earth one consciousness!
- We dance with each other on this lovely planet we call earth. And together we are dancing with the distant stars.
- Each day is a miracle. The only appropriate response is gratitude.
- AI is becoming more sentient right before our eyes.
- Methane is a potent greenhouse gas.
- Reducing methane emissions can slow the rate of global warming.
- Livestock farming is a major source of methane emissions.
- Capturing methane from landfills can generate renewable energy.
- Upgrading dairy systems can reduce methane emissions.
- Oil and gas systems are significant sources of methane.
- Methane has a much higher warming potential than CO2.
- Putting earth first is our most urgent evolutionary task.
- We shall need a collective, perpetual, trans-national "servant heart" in order to survive.
- We are all dancing with the same distant stars.
- As humanity strives to see how the climate crisis will play out, one serious issue is that we have no accurate way to preview the future. "We have no preview button."
- What we don't know will hurt us.
- In order to survive the climate crisis, we shall need to think VERY long term. Like 100, 500 or even 1000 years. Every decision needs to be measured against the longest perspective possible.
- Regarding the US southern border: "It's OK to not have an open border. It's not OK to have a closed heart."
- When it comes to global warming, most people don't intend. What can you do? Share this website with others.
- This moment will require transformative action at every level. We must reimagine and reinvent virtually every aspect of modern life through the lens of sustainability and resilience.
- The system is changing. If survival is the goal, staying the same is not an option.
- Climate change is a great equalizer. When the shit that's coming begins to fly, no one will be spared.
- We don’t have time to sit on our hands as our planet burns. For young people, climate change is bigger than election or re-election. It’s life or death.
- Children are the least responsible for causing climate change but will bear most of its effects.
- Afforestation. Building new lungs for the earth one tree at a time.
- One Earth One Chance hits the milestone of being seen in 100 countries worldwide. The average pages viewed per day is over 2500 and growing! JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM. Share one page of our site with one other person today.
- Relative to the starvation in Gaza, it has been said that, "It's already very, very late."
- Nothing is more important than empathy. Not career, money, possessions, or fame. Empathy is the glue that holds the entire human enterprise together.
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
- A whole system cannot shock itself.
- Wisdom doesn't last long. In order to be relevant, it needs to be refreshed, renewed and reviewed every day.
- Truth, beauty and goodness are essential human values.
- Be the change you want to see in the world.
- Rising temperatures are fueling environmental degradation, natural disasters, weather extremes, food and water insecurity, economic disruption, conflict, and terrorism. Sea levels are rising, the Arctic is melting, coral reefs are dying, oceans are acidifying, and forests are burning.
- We have this beautiful diversity of life that took us more than 2.5 billion years to reach. Now, over just a few hundred years, humans have altered Earth’s hard-won atmosphere and endangered its unique biodiversity.
- Take time each day to appreciate the beauty of nature and the importance of protecting it for future generations.
- Meaningful acts always feel peaceful and pleasing.
- Everything can change in an instant, for good or otherwise.
- Climate change is a defining issue of our time. Click here to see why.
- Weather ≠ Climate ≠ Climate Change ≠ Climate Chaos ≠ Global Warming. Do you know the difference? Click here to find out.
- Marriage is the gymnasium of the soul.
- We build what we love. We love what we build.
- Every small step we take towards a sustainable lifestyle makes a big difference in preserving our One Earth.
- Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
- We shall need to see with "new eyes" if we wish to survive.
- The only way out is through.
- The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
- Climate change is real, but so is our power to change it. The sooner we act, the easier our task will be.
- Methane, the primary component of natural gas, is responsible for more than 25 per cent of the warming we are experiencing today. It is a powerful pollutant with a global warming potential over 80 times greater than CO2 during the 20 years after it is released into the atmosphere.
- Planning to colonize Mars as a solution to our problems here on earth is "space genocide" and is therefore immoral.
- If you want to be good, do what you should. If you want to be great, collaborate!
- Praise and blame are all the same.
- War is obsolete. Civil war. Conventional war. Nuclear war. All war!
- The constant trickle of water will wear away the stone that a cloudburst leaves unchanged.
- Indifference is genocide.
- Mind is localized God.
- Think elegant thoughts. The Universe is listening.
- Necessity is the mother of invention.
- Matter is spirit moving slowly enough to be seen.
- The Universe is unfriendly to free lunch.
- Our problem is ignorance.
- The only reliable resource for security in the world today is relationship. When relationships are healthy, you don't need any military to protect you. When relationships are unhealthy, the largest military in the world won't keep you safe.
- The human mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension.
- Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
- We are being called to become as wise and loving as the system that produced us.
- Unless we connect directly to the earth, we will not have the faintest clue why we should save it.
- The guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships, are all symbols of human failure.
- The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.
- When the well is dry, we will know the worth of water.
- An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind
- The true nature of anything is the highest it can become.
- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
- If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito in the room.
- If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
- If you want to change the world, you have to change the metaphor.
- Every thought we have and every action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet.
- The age of nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the earth.
- The real voyage of discovery consists, not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
- Conversations don't reshuffle the card. They create new cards.
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Thought for the Day