Climate Law
The Climate Accountability and Responsibility Act


My Prompt

Create a comprehensive House of Representatives bill, with number, summary, format and content for introduction on the floor of the house, regarding the climate crisis. Have the bill make it illegal for any federal or state elected official or staff member, including representatives, senators and even the president of the United States, to introduce, support or pass into law any legislation which is unfavorable to climate sustainability. So any attempt to overturn President Biden's Affordable Care Act would be illegal. Any legislation which is unfavorable to climate repair, or which attempts to give privilege to fossil fuel companies, would be made illegal by law.


The bill shall be know as  "CARA"


**H.R. 5678**

**The Climate Accountability and Responsibility Act**


This bill aims to ensure that all elected officials and their staff members, including the President of the United States, are held accountable for promoting climate sustainability. It makes it illegal for any federal or state elected official or staff member to introduce, support, or pass any legislation that is unfavorable to climate sustainability or that privileges fossil fuel companies. This includes any direct or indirect attempts to undermine existing environmental protections or climate action plans.


**116th CONGRESS**

**1st Session**

**H. R. 5678**


**Date: 7/6/2024**

**Ms. [Sponsor Name] (for herself and [Co-Sponsors]) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on [Committee Name]**


**A BILL**

To prohibit federal and state elected officials, including the President, from introducing, supporting, or passing legislation that is unfavorable to climate sustainability, and to ensure accountability in legislative actions affecting the climate crisis.


**Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,**


This Act may be cited as the "Climate Responsibility and Accountability Act."



**(a) Findings.** Congress finds the following:

1. The climate crisis poses a significant threat to the environment, public health, and the economy of the United States.

2. Immediate and sustained action is required to mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change.

3. Elected officials and their staff members have a duty to promote policies that support climate sustainability.

4. Legislation that undermines climate protection efforts, including those that benefit fossil fuel companies, exacerbates the climate crisis and should be prohibited.

**(b) Purpose.** The purpose of this Act is to:

1. Ensure that all legislative actions at the federal and state levels are in favor of climate sustainability.

2. Prohibit any elected official or staff member from introducing, supporting, or passing legislation that is detrimental to climate repair and protection.



**(a) Illegal Actions.** It shall be illegal for any federal or state elected official or staff member to:

1. Introduce, support, or vote in favor of any legislation that is unfavorable to climate sustainability.

2. Introduce, support, or vote in favor of any legislation that provides direct or indirect benefits, subsidies, or privileges to fossil fuel companies.

**(b) Definition of Unfavorable Legislation.** For the purposes of this Act, "legislation that is unfavorable to climate sustainability" includes, but is not limited to:

1. Legislation that reduces or eliminates regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Legislation that opposes the development or implementation of renewable energy sources.

3. Legislation that seeks to overturn existing climate protection laws, such as the Affordable Clean Energy rule.

4. Legislation that promotes activities contributing to environmental degradation, such as deforestation.



**(a) Oversight.** The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shall have the authority to review and ascertain compliance with this Act.

**(b) Penalties.**

1. Any elected official or staff member found in violation of this Act shall be subject to:

   - Immediate suspension from legislative duties.

   - A monetary fine not exceeding $50,000 per violation.

   - Potential disqualification from holding any future elected office.



Federal or state elected officials and their staff members may file an appeal for any enforcement action under this Act. Appeals will be reviewed by an independent committee established within the EPA. Exceptions will only be granted if the committee finds clear and convincing evidence that the legislation in question does not harm climate sustainability.



If any provision of this Act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this Act and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.



This Act shall take effect on the date of its enactment.

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