Earth on Fire
"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."
~ Benjamin Franklin

Earth on fire.

Earth on Fire

The planet earth is enmeshed in an environmental crisis, propelling us towards ecological tipping points that could engender severe and irreversible damage. The magnitude of this crisis is measured by increases in global temperature, with each increment promising a fresh layer of complications for our world.

If the mean global temperature increases by 1.5 degrees Celsius, widely considered the most scientifically accepted 'safe limit,' we would still face severe consequences. Small islands and low-lying coastal regions would be at higher risk of submersion due to escalating sea levels, heralding large-scale displacement of people.

Disturbingly, a temperature increase of a mere half degree more to 2.0 degrees Celsius presents grimmer prospects. Where an increase of 1.5 degrees might cause a decline of 70-90% in coral reefs, 2.0 degrees could see their complete eradication. This would precipitate an entire marine ecosystem's collapse, impacting millions who rely on these ecosystems for livelihood and nourishment.

At 3.0 degrees Celsius, the Arctic's summer sea ice could disappear entirely. The implications are manifold; displaced wildlife, potential release of frozen carbon from thawing permafrost, increased sea levels, and significantly altered weather patterns. The Arctic's role as a global climate regulator cannot be overstated, and a complete melt would have dire global consequences.

As we reach a hitherto unthinkable 4.0-degree increase, water scarcity becomes ever more prevalent. Increased evaporation rates and lower rainfall in some regions may lead to severe and potentially untenable drought conditions. This, combined with heartbreaking crop failures due to intense heat, could result in famine unprecedented in scale and tragedy.

Proceeding onwards towards a 5.0-degree increase, most parts of the world would become inhospitable. The combination of unbearably hot temperatures and severe drought conditions would render livestock farming impossible in many areas. Air temperatures in cities, notably in tropical zones, will soar, making thermoregulation immensely challenging for the body; heat fatalities would be alarmingly frequent.

At 6.0 degrees of warming, the earth would experience what is unequivocally considered a mass extinction event. The combination of habitat loss, severe weather events and diseases could lead to the extinction of 40-70% of all species around the world.

A 7.0-degree rise carries the specter of methane release from melting permafrost, which would significantly accelerate global warming due to methane's potency as a greenhouse gas. The feedback loop triggered by this might make it the point of no return for our warming planet.

Reaching an 8.0-degree increase would signal that we have entered what scientists call 'Hothouse Earth.’ Large portions of the planet would be uninhabitable due to extreme temperatures and sea-level rise. It might be the final blow in eradicating human civilization as we know it.

This whistleblowing tale of ecological chapters is frightening and morbid, but necessary. It speaks to the urgency for collective action to stall our planet's incrementing thermostat. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to fight for a planet that does not merely survive but thrives. As the earth teeters on the precipice of climate-induced chaos, the time to act is now, and beyond all doubt, every degree matters.

Earth On Fire

One Earth One Chance