
Home Page  LINK

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This website focuses on environmental awareness and sustainability. It promotes collective responsibility for protecting the planet, encouraging individuals to adopt eco-friendly practices, raising awareness about the dangers of climate change and supporting initiatives that foster a healthier and more sustainable environment for future generations.

Thought for the Day  LINK

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Thought for the Day is a unique feature of One Earth One Chance. Visit this site daily to add new ideas to your emerging climate change consciousness. Managing the climate crisis is not a destination. It is a forever, never ending, always ongoing, continuous, collective, perpetual earth energy paradigm shift.

Climate Glossary  LINK

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Carbon, methane, greenhouse gases, deforestation, sea level rise, food and water hoarding... these and many other terms need to become part of the public consciousness with regard to climate change. This is essential now if we wish to survive!

The Goal of Life  LINK

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What is the goal of life? Not our lives, LIFE! The 13.8 billion-year evolutionary event we are embedded within. If we looked with an open mind, we might say that the goal of life is the emergence of consciousness, the production of sentience and the capacity to love.

Global Warming Awareness  LINK

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Global warming awareness is the first step toward surviving the climate crisis. With a genuine rise in public consciousness of the danger, real sustainable change can begin.

Global Warming Facts  LINK

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The webpage "Global Warming Facts" on outlines key information about global warming, including its causes, consequences, and potential solutions. It highlights human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation as primary contributors. The page also emphasizes the urgent need for global action to mitigate climate change and protect the environment.

Solar Sustainability  LINK

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The webpage "Solar Sustainability" on highlights the benefits of solar energy, emphasizing its role in reducing carbon footprints, saving money, and promoting environmental sustainability. It discusses various solar technologies and their implementation, encouraging individuals and communities to adopt solar power for a greener future.

Questions to Ask  LINK

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The webpage "Questions to Ask" on One Earth One Chance provides essential queries to consider for evaluating environmental sustainability practices. It offers guidance for individuals and organizations to make informed decisions about their ecological impact, promoting awareness and responsible actions to protect the planet. The questions cover various aspects of environmental responsibility.

Water and Food Hoarding  LINK

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Just like with toilet paper during the pandemic, when resources become scarce, hoarding often takes place. Food and water are already being fought for in the third world. If the climate reaches 2.0 degrees Celsius, hoarding may begin everywhere.

Methane  LINK

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Methane is a dangerous gas. It comes from cows, landfill and permafrost. Methane is worse than carbon in many ways and will need to be managed if we want to survive climate change. We can reduce methane emissions by capturing it from landfills and farms. We can also use less natural gas and oil.

Canada Fires  LINK

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This web page discusses the devastating wildfires in Canada, their environmental impacts, firefighting efforts, and recovery strategies. It emphasizes climate change's role in increasing wildfire frequency and severity, and advocates for sustainable policies to mitigate future occurrences and protect ecosystems.

Climate Change Science  LINK

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This webpage explains the science behind climate change, detailing the causes and effects of greenhouse gases, human activities contributing to global warming, and the urgency of reducing carbon emissions to mitigate environmental impacts and sustain a livable planet.

Evidence of Climate Change  LINK

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This webpage details scientific evidence of climate change, highlighting rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and rising sea levels, urging immediate action to mitigate severe environmental and socioeconomic impacts.

2025  LINK

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By 2025, environmental trends may lead to severe wildfires, water shortages, climate migrants, extreme weather, rising sea levels, heatwaves, declining air quality, agricultural disruption, energy shortages, ecosystem disruption, increased diseases, economic strain, infrastructure damage, higher insurance costs, and public health challenges.

The Near Future  LINK

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The future predictions for 2026-2029 highlight increasing extreme weather, rising sea levels, and resource scarcity by 2026. Biodiversity loss and deteriorating air quality by 2027. By 2028, plastic pollution and water scarcity will escalate. Climate migration and early carbon emission reductions are expected by 2029.

One Earth One Chance