Stages of Climate Change

1.2 Degrees Celsius
1. Banks: Increased demand for loans related to disaster mitigation, potential increase in defaults due to property and job losses from natural disasters.
2. Stock Markets: Volatility due to uncertainty, adverse impact on stocks related to agriculture, insurance, and real estate.
3. Travel: Increased disruptions due to erratic weather patterns, shift of tourism away from areas affected by heatwaves or flooding.
4. Entertainment: Increased cancellations of outdoor events due to extreme weather, shift towards indoor and virtual entertainment.
5. Families: Strain due to increased cost of living, especially in relation to energy use and potential property damage.
6. Charities: Surge in demand for services, especially emergency aid and disaster relief.
7. Wildlife: Early signs of stress on animal populations, especially heat-sensitive and water-dependent species.

1.5 Degrees Celsius
8. Banks: Continued increase in loan defaults, risks to banking infrastructure due to increased extreme weather events.
9. Stock Markets: Increased uncertainty leading to market crashes, potential rise in green stocks.
10. Travel: Destabilization of some travel due to rising sea levels and increased natural disasters.
11. Entertainment: Events forced to adapt to new weather patterns, increased production costs.
12. Families: Emergence of climate-related migration, increasing social and family stress.
13. Charities: Ongoing increased demand, especially for water, food, and migration support.
14. Wildlife: Escalating loss of species and biodiversity, impacts on fisheries and hunting.

1.8 Degrees Celsius
15. Banks: Possible failure of certain financial institutions due to widespread loan defaults.
16. Stock Markets: Increased investment in climate resilience and green technologies, failure of companies unable to adapt.
17. Travel: Certain destinations becoming inaccessible, shift towards more local or virtual tourism.
18. Entertainment: Major adaptation and innovation required to cope with new climate realities.
19. Families: Rising cases of climate-induced mental health issues.
20. Charities: Potential strain to adapt to elevated demands.
21. Wildlife: Increasingly rapid and disruptive changes in ecosystems, accelerating extinction rates.

2.0 Degrees Celsius
22. Banks: Significant economic instability, potential collapse of housing market in affected areas.
23. Stock Markets: More businesses going bankrupt, particularly those heavily relying on a stable climate.
24. Travel: Significant reduction in global travel due to disturbances and danger from severe weather events.
25. Entertainment: Much of the entertainment industry reinvents itself, relying heavily on virtual reality.
26. Families: Displacement of communities leads to broken families and destroyed communities.
27. Charities: Overburdened with the demand for their services battling in the front lines.
28. Wildlife: Increasing habitat loss, possible collapse of some ecosystems.

4.0 and 6.0 Degrees Celsius
29. Banks: Widespread bankruptcy, collapse of global financial systems.
30. Stock Markets: Massive crashes and potential disintegration of stock markets.
31. Travel: Most non-essential travel ceases, migration dominates.
32. Entertainment: Basic survival taking precedence over entertainment.
33. Families: Family structures strain and break under the struggle for survival.
34. Charities: Most charities might be stretched far beyond their capacities.
35. Wildlife: Massive die-off events, extinction of many species.

8.0 Degrees Celsius
36. Banks: Complete collapse and non-functionality of banks.
37. Stock Markets: Financial trading ceases to exist as we know it.
38. Travel: Human movement geared entirely towards finding survivable conditions.
39. Entertainment: No recognizable entertainment industry exists.
40. Families: Breakdown of conventional social and family structures.
41. Charities: Collapse under overwhelming demand.
42. Wildlife: Possible collapse of most wildlife populations, leading to a critical loss of biodiversity and ecosystem balance. 1.2 Degrees Celsius
As we reach the first door of calamity, both modern and less developed nations will start to feel the heat. In modern cities, heatwaves may push electricity grids to the brink as everyone cranks up air conditioning. This can cause sprawling blackouts, plunging hospitals into emergency mode, transportation systems to halt, and communication networks to collapse.

In less developed nations, where infrastructure is already precarious, the increased frequency of floods could lead to frequent displacement, contaminated water supplies sparking outbreaks of cholera, typhoid fever, and potentially instigating internal conflicts over resources.

1.5 Degrees Celsius
As the world gets hotter, government systems in modern nations may be put under severe strain as they deal with escalating costs of disaster response, potential economic recession due to destructed agriculture and livestock industry, sudden unemployment rise, and increasing discontent and demand for climate action from the public.

In developing countries, governments may fall apart as they struggle to provide elementary services such as clean water, healthcare, food, and shelter against the backdrop of repeated climate disasters.

1.8 Degrees Celsius
At this stage, the escalating threat of sea level rise might permanently submerge some small islands. Imagine the Maldives or Fiji disappearing, causing a refugee crisis unlike anything we've seen before. Inland, transportation would be severely impacted by rampant destructive weather events—airplanes grounded due to storms, ships capsized due to violent sea conditions, and roads and bridges washed away by intense downpours.

In third-world countries, already limited healthcare could be plagued with increasing infections from polluted water and vector-borne diseases. Education would take a backseat to survival, with long-term implications for the country's development.

2.0 Degrees Celsius
As the Earth furthers the fever, complex metropolitan organisms could face social disarray, disputes, and rampant crime rates due to resources scarcity. Governments could be at risk of toppling amidst social unrest, controversies, and the collapse of economies. The Internet, our world's neural network, might become a luxury, as energy shortage and infrastructure damage may cut off large segments of population from this essential service.

In less developed parts of the globe, these horrendous realities may morph into anarchy. Starvation and water scarcity could tear society apart, leading to a survival-of-the-fittest paradigm, as conflict over dwindling resources blooms into full-blown civil wars.

4 & 6 Levels Celsius
At these unthinkable temperatures, even the most highly developed nations could see crumbling civilization. Governmental systems could disintegrate entirely under the burden of continuous disasters, massive population displacement, and civil unrest. Large urban areas could transform into desolate, ungovernable spaces due to extreme heat and water scarcity. Communication and transportation could revert to primitive forms, as maintaining technologically intricate systems becomes impossible amidst volatile weather conditions.

For developing nations, the suffering could reach unimaginable scales. Widespread famine, death due to extreme heat, and a complete collapse of even rudimentary healthcare and education systems could be expected. Society might revert to tribal clusters, competing fiercely for the basic necessities to survive.

8.0 Degrees Celsius
At its bleakest outlook, civilization as we know it may almost cease to exist. We might see a return to a rudimentary, pre-industrial form of living with a strong emphasis on survival rather than development. Class structures, norms, even family institutions as we understand them may lose importance to basic survival needs. All we've achieved in healthcare, arts, sciences, education, governance, and technology might either exist in the form of valuable lost knowledge or as obsolete systems no longer compatible with the new world.

In the face of such apocalyptic scenarios, action must be taken now to prevent the release of additional greenhouse gases, or we may risk turning this hypothetical narrative into a damning reality.

Here are 200 potential effects indicating societal and environmental breakdown due to global warming:

1. Intensified heatwaves.
2. Increased frequency of forest fires.
3. Accelerated melting of polar ice caps.
4. Rise in sea-levels.
5. Increased cases of heat-related illnesses.
6. Increased droughts.
7. Increased flooding.
8. Disruption of agricultural patterns.
9. Increased food insecurity.
10. Reduced crop yields.
11. Increased famine and starvation.
12. Increased water scarcity.
13. Rise in vector-borne diseases.
14. Forced mass migration.
15. Disruption of ecosystems.
16. Increased extinction of species.
17. Escalating hurricanes and cyclones.
18. Ocean acidification.
19. Coral reef bleaching.
20. Death of marine animals.
21. Increased air pollution.
22. Desertification.
23. Decline in biodiversity.
24. Economy crippled by natural disasters.
25. Increased poverty
26. Increased unemployment.
27. Increased cost of living.
28. Disruptions in global trade and supply chains.
29. Increase of mental health issues.
30. Increased political instability.
31. War and conflicts over resources.
32. Destruction of infrastructure.
33. Homelessness and displacement.
34. Disruption of education systems.
35. Overpopulation in some areas.
36. Increased energy consumption for cooling.
37. Decrease in freshwater supply.
38. Disappearing islands and coastal regions.
39. Infrastructure collapse.
40. Disrupted tourism industry.
41. Destruction of historic monuments.
42. Bankruptcy in the insurance sector.
43. Decreased game and wildlife.
44. Rise in suicide rates.
45. Disruption in medical services.
46. Increase in child mortality.
47. Disruption to electricity services.
48. Increase in skid diseases.
49. Increased waterborne diseases.
50. Disruption in sanitation services.
51. Cultural loss due to migration.
52. Soil erosion due to flooding.
53. Reduced drinking water quality.
54. Increase in antibiotic resistance.
55. Increased seafood prices.
56. Increased crime rates.
57. Destroyed habitats.
58. Extreme rainfall and landslides.
59. Disturbed hibernation cycles.
60. Increase in invasive species.
61. Increase in insect and pest infestations.
62. Strained inter-country relationships.
63. Reduced hydropower generation.
64. Rise in allergenic diseases.
65. Range shift in flora and fauna.
66. Increased premature deaths from air pollution.
67. Broader spread of tropical diseases.
68. Melted permafrost, releasing methane.
69. Increased political corruption.
70. Instability in the housing market.
71. Escalating costs of disaster response.
72. Reduced availability of affordable insurance.
73. Rise of illiberal regimes.
74. Introduction of new pests and diseases affecting crops and livestock.
75. Increase in climate refugees.
76. Declining agricultural workforce.
77. Worsened sanitation and hygiene.
78. A rise in civil unrest.
79. Disappearance of traditional ways of life.
80. A decline in global GDP.
81. Malnutrition due to disrupted food chains.
82. Diminishing fish stocks.
83. Overexploitation of groundwater resources.
84. Increased storm surges.
85. Health impacts from toxic algal blooms.
86. Increased snakes and reptile population due to warmer winters.
87. Destruction of ancient trees.
88. Decreased winter tourism.
89. Increase in substance addiction.
90. Increased mortality rates from heat stress.
91. Enhanced soil degradation.
92. Strained emergency services.
93. Disrupted international relations due to refugee crises.
94. Sea-level rise inducing salinization in coastal aquifers.
95. High cooling costs.
96. Strain on mental health services.
97. Increased acid rain.
98. Increased energy demand.
99. Overburdened health services.
100. Casualties due to more severe weather events.
101. Reduction in land suitable for human habitation.
102. Changes in local climate zones.
103. Decline of endangered animal species.
104. Struggling public transportation due to extreme heat.
105. Changes in migratory patterns of birds.
106. Thawing of the Arctic tundra.
107. Sharp rise in utility bills.
108. Increased income inequality.
109. Negative impacts on subterranean ecosystems.
110. Devaluation of properties in flood-prone areas.
111. Increasing drop-out rates due to disrupted schooling.
112. Changing patterns of disease vectors.
113. Drying up of rivers and lakes.
114. Vanishing wildlife habitats.
115. Disruption of indigenous cultures.
116. Cancellation of outdoor events due to high heat.
117. Loss of national landmarks due to erosion or rising sea levels.
118. Disappearance of certain fish species.
119. Increased risk to life from dangerous weather events.
120. Challenges in waste management due to erratic weather patterns.
121. Reduced efficacy of medicines.
122. Emergence of new pathogens.
123. Rise in social inequality.
124. Climate gentrification.
125. Increased insurance premiums.
126. Reduction in livestock productivity.
127. Increased use of fossil fuels for emergency responses.
128. Escalating food prices.
129. Land slipping and collapse.
130. Economic fallout due to loss of life.
131. Spread of desert locusts.
132. Increased military and defense spending.
133. Degradation of transport infrastructure.
134. Disruption in landfill sites due to flooding.
135. Unprecedented demand for emergency shelters.
136. Difficulty in infrastructure planning due to unpredictable weather.
137. Rise of opportunistic infections in humans and animals.
138. Depletion of ozone layer.
139. Disruption in communication services.
140. Political tension over climate change mitigation.
141. Declining carbon sinks.
142. Breakdown in sewage treatment plants.
143. Disruption in navigation systems.
144. Increase in jellyfish population.
145. Increased risk of wildfires.
146. Breakdown of social norms.
147. Reduced economic productivity.
148. Weakening and collapse of concrete structures.
149. Disruption of waste disposal.
150. Power outages.
151. Loss of archaeological sites due to erosion.
152. Higher icy road accidents.
153. Abandonment of communities due to high heat.
154. Public health crisis due to pollution-related diseases.
155. Challenges with food safety due to strain on health inspectors.
156. Increase in counterfeit food and drugs.
157. Disappearance of glacial lakes.
158. Disrupted postal services.
159. Disintegrating road and bridge infrastructure.
160. Abandoned homes due to rising sea levels.
161. Overheating of electronic devices.
162. Increase in cybercrimes due to dependency on digital services.
163. Fashion industry decline due to rising costs of raw materials.
164. Unrest and protests due to climate inaction.
165. Infrastructure failures due to higher demand.
166. Land subsidence due to more groundwater extraction.
167. Disrupted shipping routes due to extreme sea-level change.
168. Reduced workforce due to increasingly inhospitable conditions.
169. Evaporation of natural water bodies.
170. Diminishing urban green spaces due to uncontrolled urban sprawl.
171. Broken relationships due to climate stress.
172. Increasing bankruptcy from unsustainable industries.
173. Rising pet abandonment due to displacement.
174. Costly HVAC system upgrades.
175. Breakdown of circular economy initiatives.
176. Devastation of wine industry due to changes in weather patterns.
177. Increased resistance of pests to pesticides due to warmer conditions.
178. Increased social isolation due to extreme heat.
179. Increase in single-use plastic due to hygienic needs.
180. Shortfalls in electricity due to drought affecting hydroelectric power.
181. Legal challenges from climate change-related disputes.
182. Loss of UNESCO World Heritage Sites due to rising sea levels.
183. Re-emergence and spread of previously controlled diseases.
184. Increasing strain on international humanitarian organizations.
185. Collapse of sports industry due to performance-inhibiting conditions.
186. Damage to historic documents and libraries.
187. Decline in stem cell efficacy due to increase in temperature.
188. Displacement of tribes and indigenous communities.
189. Breakdown of vehicle engines due to overheating.
190. Destruction of rainforests due to increased adaptability of pests.
191. Melting of alpine snowcaps affecting regional weather patterns.
192. Worsening stray animal crisis due to deprivation of natural food resources.
193. Problems with data storage due to temperature sensitivity.
194. Shortage of cooling centers.
195. Damage to underground cables due to rising ground temperature.
196. Accelerated decomposition of waste in landfills causing detrimental gas emissions.
197. Insect infestations in urban areas due to warm and damp conditions.
198. Abandonment of underground transport due to overheating.
199. Increased air conditioner breakdowns.
200. Damage to underground sewers and water systems due to ground shifting.

1.2 Degrees Celsius
In this initial phase, high temperatures and irregular weather patterns could cause disruptions in the societal structure. Schools might need to adapt to new schedule and infrastructural changes to adapt to extreme heat conditions. Droughts and heatwaves could lead to agricultural losses, compounded by increased food prices in the markets. Hospitals might face more heat-related illness cases and respiratory issues due to increased air pollution. Families might start adopting water-saving or heat-beating strategies.

1.5 Degrees Celsius
Water scarcity would heightens, placing an undue stress on utilities and public services. High frequencies of illnesses related to water scarcity, such as gastroenteritis, would strain hospitals. Potential food shortages could result in schools incorporating food rationing measures. Families might need to adapt to irregular water and power supply. Agriculture, and consequently, food markets could face challenges as crop growth patterns change due to changing precipitation patterns and water availability, leading to food inflation.

1.8 Degrees Celsius
Hospitals and medical institutions could face a surge in patients due to escalating climate-related diseases. With a rise in sea levels, the evacuation of coastal cities could lead to social dislocation and disarray, impacting schools and families. Water prices might skyrocket, making it unaffordable for many and exacerbating inequality. Child care could become more complex, and with more frequent disasters, children could face extensive psychological trauma.

2.0 Degrees Celsius
Crisis erupts with largescale displacement, ramping up stress on social and physical infrastructure. Homelessness and poverty could increase, fragmenting families and communities. Cost of living may skyrocket due to food and water shortages. Hospitals could be overburdened dealing with malnutrition, dehydration, vector-borne diseases, and mental health issues due to social dislocation. Existing healthcare systems could become overwhelmed and under-resourced, especially in poorer regions.

4.0 and 6.0 Degrees Celsius
The impacts would now be catastrophic. Organized societies could start to unravel, with a breakdown in law and order due to scarce resources. Hospitals, schools, and other public services might cease to function effectively. Severe food and water scarcity could lead to widespread malnutrition and death. Famine could hit food markets, and families struggle for basic survival. Child care would morph into a struggle for child survival, with schools ceasing to function in their currently understood form.

8.0 Degrees Celsius
The profound societal collapse seems inevitable at this stage. Banks, schools, hospitals, markets, and all civic services could cease to exist in a recognizable format. Lack of clean water and food may lead to anarchy and increased mortality. Family structures could break down entirely due to the struggle for survival, and children may be forced to fend for themselves. Medical care would become primitive in absence of organized healthcare, with diseases running rampant. The surviving societies, if any, would have to relearn the basics of life, resculpting civilization from scratch.

A Vivid Portrayal of Human Suffering at Each Stage of Global Warming

As the hands on the climatic barometer inch up from 1.2 to 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and finally 8.0 degrees Celsius, the tapestry of human life will start to unravel, strand by strand. This emotive exploration paints a poignant picture depicting the stages of human hardship and calamity at each increment in global warming.

1.2 Degrees Celsius
The first signs of the Earth's discomfort at a 1.2-degree rise are seen in the incessant wildfires, violently devouring homes, robbing families of their sacred sanctuaries. Heatwaves strike with severe cruelty, particularly amongst the elderly, infirm, and underprivileged. Much-needed water sources begin to recede, compelling rationing actions that often ignite community tensions.

1.5 Degrees Celsius
As the mercury tips over the 1.5-degree mark, the cracks in our global façade start to deepen. Droughts grip the hotter parts of the world, sending whispers of starvation through nations reliant on their parched farmlands. Water, once a symbol of life, begins weaponizing itself, crashing into towns as violent floods, leaving sorrowful tales of death and destruction.

1.8 Degrees Celsius
When temperatures ascend to the heights of 1.8 degrees Celsius, the profound pangs of loss are felt more profoundly across the globe. Imagine irreplaceable coastal ecosystems deteriorating, obliterating sources of income and sustenance for fishing communities. Picture Arctic heydays retreating into stifling ice-free summers, evicting entire species from their homes.

2.0 Degrees Celsius
At 2.0 degrees Celsius, the human plight is heart-wrenching. Visualize the crumbling splendor of coastal cities, choking under encroaching salts of rising seas. The silent corals, once vibrant and bustling, face a colorless end, taking with them the staple diet of maritime communities.

4.0 and 6.0 Degrees Celsius
In the path towards the menacing cliffs of 4.0 and 6.0 degrees Celsius, the world descends into a dystopia. Witness desertification creeping insidiously across continents, erasing lively communities in thirst-driven tragedies. Mingled with the desolate cries of extinction, watch the Himalayan and Andean glaciers crumble, draining billions of their vital water supplies.

8.0 Degrees Celsius
With the thermostat soaring to brutal heights of 8.0 degrees Celsius, the world bleeds desolation. Vast territories morph into fiery furnaces, rendering them uninhabitable wastelands. Under an unforgiving sun, our population dwindles, choked by the onslaught of heat, starvation, and disease. Our coastal cities, once the jewels of human civilization, ultimately yield to the rising sea tides, surrendering their magnificence to watery graves.

Given the imminent catastrophe present in this vivid portraiture of global warming, it is a moral imperative for us to arrest our trajectory. Let the specter of the suffering that each incremental rise portends awaken us into swift and decisive climate action. We are not doomed to this tragic fate if we are willing to change, adapt, and protect this planet that we all call home. The solution may not be simple, but our collective will can stir the tides of change. Awareness and action are key, and the time to start on both accounts is now.

The Stages of Climate Change: Implications and Awakening to Action

Climate change and the escalating degrees of average global temperatures are among the most critical issues humanity faces today. The escalating rise in global temperature results in severe climatic variations and has significant impacts on Earth's ecosystems, including human societies. This essay critically analyzes the potential consequences as global temperatures rise by 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and how society can awaken to these devastating realities.

1.2 degrees Celsius
At a rise of 1.2 degrees Celsius, which falls within the Paris Agreement’s “safe limit,” we're already witnessing intensified climate catastrophes. Heatwaves, wildfires, coral bleaching, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. Certain ecosystems, like the Arctic, are starting to experience irreversible damage, causing loss of habitat to polar bears, seals, and many Arctic birds.

1.5 degrees Celsius
The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights that a rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius would have severe consequences. We could experience a significant increase in droughts, floods, and heatwaves, which would heavily impact food production and lead to food shortages. This could result in extensive migrations, where populations are forced to abandon their homes and lands due to untenable conditions.

1.8 degrees Celsius
At 1.8 degrees Celsius, we could witness a complete transformation of our ecosystems. For instance, forest systems may change drastically, with some becoming savannah-like, impacting local economies reliant on these ecosystems. Arctic summers could become ice-free, accelerating global warming as less sunlight is reflected back into space and more is absorbed by the dark ocean.

2.0 degrees Celsius
At 2.0 degrees Celsius, we could see massive displacement of people due to rising sea levels. Island nations and coastal cities would be the most affected, as they could mostly or entirely disappear under rising seas. Higher acidity levels of our oceans due to increased CO2 absorption could lead to the collapse of the marine food chain by making survival difficult for various forms of marine life, including coral.

4.0 & 6.0 degrees Celsius
By reaching 4.0 or 6.0 degrees Celsius, the consequences will be catastrophic. We could see a profound shift in the world's climate zones, leading to increased desertification. Many animal and plant species would become extinct due to either unbearable heat or inadequate food resources. The Himalayan and Andean glaciers, providing freshwater to billions, could disappear, triggering water crises. Moreover, the decline in agricultural productivity could cause severe famine.

8.0 degrees Celsius
At 8.0 degrees Celsius, the world as we know it would be unrecognizable. Vast swathes of the earth might become uninhabitable due to extreme heat and severe weather changes. The polar ice caps might be entirely gone, causing a devastating rise in global sea levels, submerging many coastal cities. The consequences would be nothing short of apocalyptic.

Awakening to the Reality
In the face of these potential impacts, it is incumbent on us as global citizens to "wake up" to this existential threat. We can mobilize ourselves by spreading awareness of the urgency and severity of climate change. Governments, corporations, and individuals all have a role to play in curbing emissions through policy and personal decisions. Advocacy for renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, mass transportation, and robust ecological conservation can help mitigate the effects. Schools can educate students about the crisis and inspire change through research, activism, and technological innovation.

Accelerated adaptation and mitigation initiatives must be incorporated into our global response to climate change right now. By recognizing the significance of each degree rise, humanity can chart a course toward a sustainable future, securing the health of our planet for generations to come.

Early Warning Signs

1. Normal Climate Variation: This is the base level where natural climate fluctuations occur over time. These minor changes in temperature, rainfall, and other weather patterns are normal and a part of Earth’s climate system. The average global temperature during this stage is around 14 degrees Celsius (57.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

2. Early Warning Signs: Small but significant shifts in climate patterns begin to occur. For example, there may be earlier springs, changes in rainfall patterns, increase in severe weather incidents like hurricanes and droughts. These changes may not cause drastic consequences but are indicative of future, more severe changes.

3. Increased Global Temperatures: As greenhouse gas emissions increase, the global temperatures also increase. The overall global temperature could rise by 1-2 degrees Celsius (1.8-3.6 degrees Fahrenheit). This change affects Arctic ice caps that start melting, leading to a rise in sea levels.

4. Extreme Weather Conditions: With a global temperature rise by 3-4 degrees Celsius (5.4-7.2 degrees Fahrenheit), more extreme weather conditions like hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, and blizzards become common, causing destruction and loss of life and property.

5. Loss of Biodiversity: Temperature increases lead to habitat destruction, causing the extinction of many species and disrupting ecosystems. This impacts everything from agriculture to wildlife and even the spread of diseases.

6. Rising Sea Levels: The consistent rise in global temperature causes polar ice caps and glaciers to melt at a rapid rate, leading to a significant rise in sea levels. This puts low-lying and coastal areas at risk of severe flooding, and even disappearing completely.

7. Climate Refugees: As the sea level continues to rise and regions become uninhabitable due to extreme weather, people are forced to leave their homes, leading to the creation of “climate refugees.”

8. Resource Scarcity: Droughts, desertification, floods, and severe weather conditions can lead to the scarcity of resources like food and water. This scarcity can potentially lead to government instability, conflict, and mass migrations.

9. Collapse of Ecosystems: More radical changes in temperature, significant loss of biodiversity, and acidification of oceans could lead to the collapse of various ecosystems, causing severe damage to the environment and loss of animal habitats.

10. Runaway Climate Change: In the worst-case scenario, irreversible changes to our climate could lead to a state of "runaway" climate change where not even cutting greenhouse gas emissions could prevent further warming. This would make Earth increasingly uninhabitable for many species, including humans.

Disease of Planet Earth

OK, back to climate change. This "disease of the planet" is progressing in stages. Here are their names: The prewarming Stage. This is from early civilization to about 1900, when industrialization began. Early transition stage, from 1900 to about 1950. During this stage, the climate warmed from baseline to about 1.0 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. First transition stage. From 1.2 degrees Celsius to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is where we are now. Dynamics are beginning to kick in and evidence of warming is becoming more obvious and alarming. Strong Dynamics Stage. From 1.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius. This is "pre-tip" if you will, but the dynamics are already becoming evident. The Tip: Generally accepted to be around 2.0 Degrees Celsius. This is a non-linear moment. Post tip, from 2.0 degrees Celsius. Each milestone is more dire, and more unstoppable. 2.0 to 4.0. Gross disruptions. Food shortages, social disruption. More wars. Civil unrest. 4.0 to 6.0. Total global social collapse. Starvation, Mass migrations. Gross breakdowns in food, water, government and health. 6.0 to 8.0. Complete earth biology collapse. Death of all mammals. 8.0 degrees above preindustrial levels. All humans and all mammals are dead. Earth is dead. Life is gone. All DEAD!

One Earth One Chance